Photo Gallery

I am not a photographer! But I do like to snap a photo now and again.  Most of the time I take my photos with my phone which automatically stores them online.  Every now and again I try to organize my photos into some semi-logical order.  Here a few of my photo albums.  Click on a photo below to see the album.

Exploring Arkansas - June 2013

I have driven through Arkansas quite a few times, usually on my way to visit my relatives and friends back in Alabama.  In 2013, on the way back from visiting my cousin Glenn, who lives near Atlanta, I decided to take a few days and get off of the interstate to explore a bit of Arkansas. 

Once I left Interstate 40, I decided to head for Mena, Arkansas. No reason in particular except that Mena seemed to be located between two national forests and that it was a relatively small town. Here are some of the photos from that trip. 

Click on photo to see the full album

Trip to Atlanta - May 2014

In May of 2014 I made a trip to Atlanta, Georgia to see some cousins that I had not seen in many, many years.  As usual, when I am traveling I prefer to camp and I was lucky enough to find some beautiful campsites. It was also a treat to visit with my family after all of these years!

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Summer of 2016 - On The Road

During the Summer of 2016, my dog, Max and I spent a month or so driving around the western states. We visited New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, California, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and Colorado before returning to my home in Texas. I had planned to attend the Sacramento Jazz Camp in the mountains east of Sacramento, California, but other than that, I had no destination in mind - I just wanted to see country that I had never seen before!

Perhaps Robert Frost's spirit was riding with me for, whenever I came to a fork in the road, "I took the one less traveled by". 
The Flaming Gorge
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