Who Is For Universal Mail-in Ballots?

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Although voter fraud has, for the most part, been a minuscule concern in the recent past, that can change quickly. "Who gets to vote?" is a basic question that is at the heart of our system of government. Do we limit suffrage to only "property owners"? How about only men? Should we allow only "educated" voters? What about "only people who think the same as I do should be allowed to vote!"? In any case, I seriously doubt that anyone can show a positive correlation between more open suffrage and a better quality of elected officials.

Regardless, we have continually moved toward more open suffrage standards. That has created some problems, but on the whole, we have adjusted and most localities have a fair voting system. that, although not bullet-proof, is relatively secure.

My belief is that the current push for "mail-in" ballots is a thinly disguised scam by some of the most corrupt politicians in the history of this nation. It requires less than a modicum of intelligence to understand that the mechanics of mail-in voting will be problematic and much easier for corrupt politicians to manipulate. It is a measure of the amount of corruption in our government that the proposals for mail-in balloting have progressed as far as they have.

Only a truly delusional person could believe that the politicians who are pushing for universal mail-in ballots are interested in a truly fair system of voting that is designed to determine the will of the people. Ardent supporters of mail-in balloting are interested in a voting system that will allow their party to manipulate the outcome. We need to resist this assault on the foundation of our nation. We need to fight with all of our strength to remove these corrupt politicians from our government.


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