A Complaint to J.S. Bach


A mouldy fig, trapped in the skein of time,
Pleas for relief inexorably denied,
Looks forward to the past.
He Yearns for Hellenic harmony.

"Punctus contra punctum"!
What curse has the Devil's lyre exposed
With discord to destroy
The angelic simplicity of yore?

Heraclitian Chaos, that flowing wellspring,
Plumbed and domesticated,
Bound by rules, proscribed by fear,
The nemesis of freedom falling upon the ear!

Oh, Alas, Alack, Take me back!
No more torture can I bear!
Undo that twisted melody. Avoid so much polyphony.
In unison, stand before Heaven's door!

            -- A 20th Century Man Uncomfortable in a 21st Century World


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